In less than a week, our newest members of the ICO community will drag suitcases and boxes upon boxes of amazon packages into apartments across Chicago and into the RC. We couldn’t miss the chance to welcome you to both Chicago and the RC. We really believe you’ll come to love this city just as much as we do.

Of course, we couldn’t welcome you without highlighting a few of our favorite spots. Check out our pictures throughout the post!
Warm ICO Welcomes
"We are so happy to have you join the ICO Family Class of 2024! Work hard & enjoy the ride!"
- Brittney M. Brady, O.D., Clinical Instructor, Assistant Professor in Optometry
"You have worked hard, you EARNED your spot in this class, now take a moment to pat yourself on the back, cause the next four years will be the hardest of your academic career. CONGRATS on joining the ICO Class of 2024!!"
- Vince Brandys, Senior Director of Development and External Affairs, OD ‘90
"Welcome to ICO. For the next 4 years: Enjoy every moment, say yes to every opportunity, remember that perfect is boring, and soak in the knowledge, wisdom and love that makes ICO a special place. So happy to have you as part of the family."
- Dr. Valerie Kattouf, Associate Professor; Chief, Pediatrics/Binocular Vision Service
"Welcome Class of 2024! Your time at ICO will be a challenging, but an equally rewarding experience. The ICO community is here to help you every step of the way!"
- Dr. Stephanie Adams, Assistant Professor, teaching first year Human Anatomy Lab

Favorite Spot #1: Beth Karmis’s, Assistant Dean for Student Success, favorite fair weather off campus 'zen' space is the 31st Street Beach. You almost forget you're in the city, but you still have a priceless view.

Favorite Spot #2: Vince Brandys, Senior Director of Development and External Affairs, OD ‘90 loves chomping down on Ricobene’s Famous Breaded Steak Sandwich at 252 W 26th St, Chicago.
Sage Advice
"Focus on your strengths and you will find success here." - Lindsay Sicks, Assistant Professor; Optometric Practice Curriculum Coordinator
"As you move in and get settled, just remember that great growth can come from being out of your comfort zone. And if you need to just talk, please stop by my office. I love getting to know you."
- Beth Karmis, Assistant Dean for Student Success
"Study hard, but don’t forget about self-care. Carve out a little time each day to engage in whatever activity helps you to de-stress. Afterwards, you’ll be better prepared to hit those books!"
- Stephanie Messner, Vice President and Dean for Academic Affairs

Favorite Spot #3: Patricia Salazar, O.D. loves taking a boat ride out to Lake Michigan at sunset and take in the beautiful cityscape!

Favorite Spot #4: Brittney M. Brady's, O.D. favorite thing to do in Chicago is enjoy the scenery on the Riverwalk.
Lindsay Sicks, Assistant Professor; Optometric Practice Curriculum Coordinator turned to Ella Fitzgerald for inspiration: “Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.”
While Darlene G. Ward, Assistant Library Director, offered this quote from Germany Kent: “The single most important thing you need to do in your life to have the future life that you want is what should be keeping you busy at this point in your life.”

Favorite Spot #5: One of Beth Karmis’s, Assistant Dean for Student Success favorite places to have lunch in Bridgeport is Gio's Cafe / Deli on 28th and Lowe. It is a mish-mash of grocery store, deli, and cafe. Great food. Take a look at Check Please.
Things that we love about ICO and hope you will too
"My favorite thing about ICO is all the smiling faces no matter where you are in the building!"
- Brittney M. Brady, O.D., Clinical Instructor, Assistant Professor in Optometry
"Best eye clinic in the state of IL!"
- Vince Brandys, Senior Director of Development and External Affairs, OD ‘90
"What I most love about ICO is the sense of community we have. We're all working toward the same goal - to 'make' the world's greatest optometrists." 🙂
- Beth Karmis, Assistant Dean for Student Success