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ICO News

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National Academies of Practice Induct ICO Fellows

National Academies of Practice Fellows
Front, L to R: Drs. Bill Miller, Pam Miller, Satya Verma, Sandy Block, Doug Benoit Back, L to R: Drs. Chris Lievens, Tim Wingert, Mark Colip, Mike Bacigalupi, Richard Weisbarth, Clarke Newman, Jeff Meyers, Andrew Morganstern, Kristin Anderson

The National Academies of Practice (NAP) has inducted ICO President Mark Colip, OD ’92, as a Distinguished Fellow of the NAP in Optometry. Founded in 1981, the NAP is an interprofessional organization with members representing 14 areas of health care. Fellows must be nominated by a current member. They are then selected by a membership committee based upon a review of their credentials and a clear demonstration of excellence in their respective professions. They are “dedicated to furthering practice, scholarship, and policy in support of interprofessional care.”

Dr. Colip’s induction took place at a gala on March 9, 2019, in Washington, D.C. He was among 7 new inductees from optometry, including 2 more from ICO: Kristin Anderson, OD ’95, and Millicent Knight, OD ‘87. Previous ICO inductees in attendance included Sandra Block, OD ’81, Christopher Lievens, OD ’95, and Timothy Wingert, OD ’79.

The Illinois College of Optometry is proud of Dr. Colip and the hard-working ICO alumni who have been honored by the NAP. Additionally, we congratulate Dr. Sandra Block, who received the James A. Boucher Award for Excellence in Optometry at the gala.

To see the NAP’s photos of the optometry portion of this event, click here.

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