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ICO News

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Model urban clinic brings eye & vision care to more than 5,000 Chicago students

For Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Jenni Gaster Sopko (312)949-7412,

Illinois College of Optometry, Chicago Public Schools Celebrate First Year of Eye Clinic Partnership


The eye clinic at Princeton Elementary School was established in January 2011 to bring eye and vision care to CPS students identified as needing additional vision testing but who lack access to optometric services. Since then, more than 5,000 students have received much-needed care and follow-up treatment as needed.

ICO and CPS invite you to an Open House to commemorate this first year of providing eye care services to CPS students. The celebration will be joined by Dr. Arol Augsburger, president of the Illinois College of Optometry, and Dr. Sandra Block, ICO professor and medical clinic director. CPS representatives also are expected to attend. There will be interview opportunities onsite, as well as guided tours through the clinic during the open house.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.


Illinois Eye Institute at Princeton Elementary School

5125 S. Princeton Ave.

Chicago, IL 60609

For more information about the school-based clinic, please visit

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