Spring is on its way, and so is ICO’s Practice Opportunities Symposium. This annual event is an aspiring OD’s dream, with over 40 doctors, vendors, alumni, and optometry professionals ready to engage with students. These experts offer exclusive panels on the various modes of optometric practice. Once the presentations are complete, attendees enjoy networking, vendors, and of course, refreshments.
The 22nd Annual Practice Opportunities Symposium will take place on Friday, April 5, 2019, at 1 p.m. Attendance is mandatory for first, second, and third year students, but all are welcome. Please attend; there is SO much to learn!
2019’s panel topics include:
Introduction to Practice Management
Externships and Optometric Specialties
Private Practice
Corporate Practice
Specialty/Non-Traditional Practice
Practice Management
Canadian Practitioners
Thanks to a successful trial last year, the 2019 program will once again be offered as an app (download information coming soon.)
To ask questions of our panelists, offer feedback, or share photos, use hashtag #POS2019 on social media. For more information on being a sponsor or exhibitor please click the button below.