Why ICO?
ICO offers students an excellent and rewarding education. Our unique clinical challenges gives students the ability to manage any case with confidence once in practice. The breadth of our faculty expertise and patient profile gives students a best in class experience for those who want the very best education.
Dr. Tahir received her Doctor of Optometry from The Illinois College of Optometry. Following graduation she completed a residency in Pediatrics/Binocular Vision at ICO. Dr. Tahir has worked in private and commercial settings before becoming faculty in 2002 at ICO. She is a part time assistant professor and sees patients in the Pediatric department at the Illinois Eye Institute.
Special Interests
Pediatrics, Vision Therapy
Awards & Honors
Polly Flink Eastland Memorial Award
COVD Award for Excellence in Vision Therapy
Professional Organizations
High School Students’ Understanding of Optometry as a Profession
Presented at AAO conference in Orlando, FL 2019
Optical Coherence Tomography Characteristics of Congenital Simple
Hamartoma of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium
Presented at AAO conference in Anaheim, CA 2016
Differentiating Features of Congenital versus Acquired Optic Nerve Pits Utilizing Different Topographical Methods
Presented at AAO conference in Denver, Colorado 2006
Hypoplastic Disc: Case report and Review
Presented at AOA conference in Las Vegas, NV, June 2006
Sturge Weber Syndrome without Facial Angioma
Presented at the AAO Conference in San Diego, CA, Dec 2005
Head Turn, Hemianopic Field Defect and the Use of Yoked Prism
Presented at the AAO Conference in Tampa, FL, Dec 2004