Why ICO?
Dr. Crumbliss received her optometry degree from the Illinois College of Optometry in 2003 and completed a residency in Low Vision and Ocular Disease at the ICO and the Deicke Center for Visual Rehabilitation in 2004. Upon joining the faculty of the Illinois College of Optometry on a part-time basis in 2004, she also began practice as a Low Vision Consultant with The Chicago Lighthouse. Dr. Crumbliss enjoys teaching students through their observation of her education of patients about their eye conditions and the relation to the patients function. This connection with patients is what inspired her practice of low vision rehabilitation and the teaching of students and residents followed suit. Dr. Crumbliss lectures to patient groups and students and residents in optometry and ophthalmology regularly. Her goal is to help individuals with vision loss find strategies, devices and technology to assist them in living with vision loss and to to ensure patients receive prompt diagnosis and treatment to minimize their vision loss.
Special Interests
Low vision rehabilitation, Cognitive impairment and vision impairment, Charles Bonnet Syndrome
1999 Honors Bachelor of Science, University of Waterloo
2003 Doctor of Optometry, Illinois College of Optometry
2004 Residency in Low vision rehabilitation and Ocular Disease
Illinois College of Optometry
The Chicago Lighthouse for People who are Blind or Visually Impaired, Clinical Director
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Misssouri-St. Louis College of Optometry
Awards & Honors
2003 William Feinbloom Low Vision Award
Professional Organizations
Vice President Board of Directors, Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness
American Foundation for the Blind
American Academy of Optometry
Chun, R, Crumbliss, K.Spontaneous Crystalline Lens Resorption in a Low Vision Patient with Hallermann-Streiff Syndrome. American Optometric Association 2012 Annual Meeting.
Crumbliss, K.E., Taussig, M.J., Jay, W.M. Vision Rehabilitation and Charles Bonnet Syndrome. Seminars in Ophthalmology, 23:2; 121-6, 2008
Hagerman, K.E., Taussig, M.J., Coalter, J.D., Jay, W.M. Low vision rehabilitation in patients with visual and cognitive impairment.
Visual Impairment Research, 9:19-22, 2007.
Jay, W.M., Hagerman, K.E., Williams, R.T., Robertson, M.J. The Effect of Low Vision Rehabilitation on Visual Hallucinations associated
with Charles Bonnet Syndrome. Poster, North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 2006.
Jay, W.M., Hagerman, K.E., Williams, R.T., Roberston, M.J. Low vision rehabilitation in patients with visual and cognitive impairment.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2005: ARVO E-Abstract 4604