Credential Validation
Please enter the CeDiD number found on the diploma to confirm its' validity:

This is a Valid Credential.
Conferral Date:
Today's Date Here
CeDiD #
Credential Issued To (Name)
Conferral Date Here
Major Title
We cannot validate the Credential at this time.
The information you provided does not match the information on record, or there was a connection error.
Please contact registrar@ico.edu for assistance. When you do, please provide the student name and CeDiD.
Credential Validation (Demo)

An Apostille may neither be required nor necessary. The CeDiploma has legal standing, is non-repudiating, and can be validated here to provide absolute confidence in the credential’s authenticity. Questions should be directed to our Registrar's Office.

You may check institutional accreditation through the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA): (CHEA is an independent, non-profit organization, and neither endorses, authorizes, sponsors, nor is affiliated with CeCredential Trust.) https://www.chea.org/search-institutions.
For more information, please visit CeCredential Trust.