Commencement 2023
May 20, 2023, ICO held its 180th Commencement for Illinois College of Optometry. Streaming our entire ceremony on Facebook Live and YouTube, we welcomed 118 new doctors into the profession of optometry.
Dr. Janice Jurkus was the Class of 2023’s commencement speaker. An incredibly accomplished individual in the optometric profession, Dr. Jurkus has presented over 200 lectures nationally and internationally. She is a pioneer in the field of contact lenses and a trusted and esteemed mentor at ICO.
Each graduate is now a member of ICO’s expansive alumni network. Visit the Alumni section of this website to discover the resources and opportunities available to all ICO alumni.
Congratulations, new doctors!
A Look Back
Speaker Highlights:
Dr. Janice Jurkus was the Class of 2023’s commencement speaker. An incredibly accomplished individual in the optometric profession, Dr. Jurkus has presented over 200 lectures nationally and internationally. She is a pioneer in the field of contact lenses and a trusted and esteemed mentor at ICO.
Changes in Optometry
Being the only female in her graduating class of 138 students, Dr. Jurkus took time to celebrate the 70% of females found in the graduating Class of 2023. In the field of optometry at large, there are now 50% men and 50% women. In addition to the demographic, the scope of optometry has also changed to include diagnostic drugs for dilation, anesthetics, and other therapeutic agents. Moving beyond the practice of prescribing glasses and contact lenses, optometrists can now treat, as well as, diagnose eye diseases. Finally, the way of practicing has also changed: from payment methods to career paths available, the field of optometry has grown to an impressive scope.
Education During a Pandemic
Even though the Class of 2023 is the first graduating class to fully experience a global pandemic during their education, they were able to overcome the conditions and obstacles presented with phenomenal results. The Class endured over 597 lecture hours and 161 quizzes and finals remotely. In the clinic, as a group, the Class of 2023 completed over 180,000 patient encounters. (That's an average of 1,400 patients per student!) Needless to say, our graduates' level of experience exceeds expectations and is evident in the excellent service provided.
Future of Optometry
Certainly, the future of optometry will continue to change with emerging technologies like artificial intelligence. Throughout these inevitable changes, Dr. Jurkus offered some practical advice, "Say yes to every opportunity you can possibly have," because every new opportunity is a way to expand yourself and the profession of optometry." Dr. Jurkus ended her address with one last suggestion: "Enjoy the most wonderful profession there is," or simply put, "Have fun."
More Resources:

Fun Facts:
118 members in the graduating class
23 states represented
5 Canadian provinces represented
Over 25% graduated with high honors
$200,000+ in scholarships and awards were recognized at Capstone